Lucy: A Musical for the Whole Family

Pardon the plug, but my writing partner in St. Louis recently recorded three demo tracks for Lucy, which is a children’s musical we wrote. It was originally produced when we were graduate students, but over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic we decided to use our free time to update and overhaul the show to make it feel more contemporary.

SYNOPSIS: A musical for the whole family, Lucy is about a 12-year-old girl from rural Kentucky who moves with her single mom to the big city of Los Angeles. Awkward and unhappy adjusting to city life, Lucy finds a discarded trumpet in a dumpster and over the course of one summer befriends Lewie, an elderly curmudgeon in her apartment building, who teaches her how to play jazz, which empowers her to complete against her musical neighbors in a talent show. Mixing jazz, rap, country, and opera, the characters find music is a common theme that ultimately unites them.

Here are our demo tracks, recorded in St. Louis with the help of some incredible singers and an amazing sound engineer. We also learned about Soundcloud and how to post such things for the world.

Someday soon we may find another theater company willing to mount a production of our show. Watch this space.

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